Events and Bookings
Safeguarding Conference
Target Audience:
Lead DSL, Headteachers and DSLs
Conference Overview:
The 2025 Safeguarding Conference has a clear focus on supporting our schools with one of the Trust's Safeguarding Focus Areas - Self Harm Awareness.
The day will combine listening to high quality keynote speakers with the opportunity to put learning into practice creating a toolkit and guidance to support schools with the subject of self harm.
Additional Information:
This conference is face to face only. There will NOT be a virtual option
Car-parking is available for visitors to the Atkins Centre and Centre Staff alike at the front of the school, please enter by the gates from Sevenoaks Way (opposite Cornwall Drive). Please do not park in unmarked spaces, or in marked visitors’ spaces (unless previously booked). Parking is provided on a first come, first served, basis. If there are no spaces available there is alternative parking for Atkins Centre visitors on the roads surrounding the College. (red lines on map show available street parking) Please use the pedestrian access at the front of the College on Sevenoaks Way, if necessary.if you choose to park your car in the front car park, please collect a visitor permit from reception on arrival and display this in your car
Visitors to the Atkins Centre are advised that under no circumstances are they to seek to park/gain access via the rear of the College, to ensure the College maintains its safeguarding responsibilities.
Just a reminder that all attendees are expected to be dressed in a professional and business-like manner unless otherwise stated in the event details. Please also wear your school ID badge at all timeswhen on the premises.