“Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance.”
Atul Gwande
We firmly believe that coaching can benefit everyone, regardless of age, experience or role.
Across the trust, coaching plays an integral part in transforming practice, wellbeing and supporting career development. All TKAT staff have an entitlement to access personal coaching. We have a number of TKAT EIA coaches at Foundation, Practitioner and Senior Practitioner level who can offer coaching support to schools and individuals. To request 1:1 coaching from one of our EMCC accrediated coaches click here
TKAT are excited to be an organisational member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and have an accredited coaching programme. Successful participants of our 'Principles of Coaching' programme will have the opportunity to be awarded Global Individual Accreditation (EIA), starting from Foundation Level coach.
We work closely with schools to tailor our coaching offer to cater for specific models, outcomes or needs that they wish coaching to achieve
Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about our EMCC accreditation, or would like to discuss implementing a coaching culture in your school.
Please see below for further details of our coaching offer.